CHAIN TIGHTENER / WEAR BLOCK for replacement of idler pulley
on farm equipment.
• Decreases block replacement
• Reduces chain wear & friction
• Saves labor, money & downtime
• Increases chain life & keeps chain tight
• Lasts 4-5 times longer than woon blocks
This plastic wear block has characteristics
that are very high in lubricating which reduces chain wear. After
several years of continuous testing, this type of plastic has shown
outlasting capabilities replacing chain sprocket idlers on all
types of machinery. As well as being used on the earlier models
of Gleaner combines, we have had excellent success with them on
the more recent models where idler bearing pulleys and sprockets
are now. This has reduced repair costs since the cost is considerably
lower than current idler bearings.
To find a dealer or distributor near you, please
call us toll free at 1-800-247-6567. |